Mission Statement
The mission of Saint Anthony-Immaculate Conception, a Catholic elementary school in the Mission District, supported by our Franciscan and Dominican charisms, is to nurture students from diverse backgrounds to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Our partnership of families, the primary educators, and school staff, is animated by a commitment to shepherd students to follow Jesus and develop their God-given gifts and talents through a rigorous academic program. This program, which has the Eucharist as its source and summit, is firmly rooted in Catholic Social Teaching, Sacramental worship, and commitment to service.
La misión de San Antonio-Inmaculada Concepción, una escuela primaria católica en el Distrito de la Misión, apoyada por nuestros carismas franciscanos y dominicos, es nutrir a estudiantes de diversos orígenes para que crezcan como discípulos de Jesucristo. Nuestra asociación de familias, educadores primarios y personal escolar está animada por el compromiso de guiar a los estudiantes para que sigan a Jesús y desarrollen los dones y talentos que Dios les ha dado a través de un programa académico riguroso. Este programa, que tiene la Eucaristía como fuente y cumbre, está firmemente arraigado en la Enseñanza Social Católica, el culto sacramental y el compromiso de servicio.
Our mission is rooted in the belief that:
Successful Students are:
Preachers of the Gospel who:
La misión de San Antonio-Inmaculada Concepción, una escuela primaria católica en el Distrito de la Misión, apoyada por nuestros carismas franciscanos y dominicos, es nutrir a estudiantes de diversos orígenes para que crezcan como discípulos de Jesucristo. Nuestra asociación de familias, educadores primarios y personal escolar está animada por el compromiso de guiar a los estudiantes para que sigan a Jesús y desarrollen los dones y talentos que Dios les ha dado a través de un programa académico riguroso. Este programa, que tiene la Eucaristía como fuente y cumbre, está firmemente arraigado en la Enseñanza Social Católica, el culto sacramental y el compromiso de servicio.
Our mission is rooted in the belief that:
- Jesus is the center of our lives
- A strong relationship with Jesus grows from daily prayer, Eucharistic celebrations, vibrant community life and frequent spiritual experiences
- The Gospel of Jesus sends us out to proclaim the Good News, to create community, and to be of service to the Catholic Church and all of God’s people.
- Our Franciscan/Dominican charism is a formational strength of our school
- Our presence makes a positive difference in the Mission District of San Francisco
- The development of students' God-given gifts will develop leaders of the future
- Preach the Catholic Faith
- Work in partnership with families, the primary educators, to meet the needs of the whole child
- Celebrate the many cultures that make up our community and develop a global consciousness
- Provide formational experiences so students have a variety of opportunities to learn
- Serve our parish community and neighborhood and respond to work needs
Successful Students are:
Preachers of the Gospel who:
- Are Proclaimers of the Word by their positive example to others
- Make moral decisions
- Treat others as Jesus did
- Know and live their Catholic Faith
- Build community
- Show respect for life in all its forms
- Are careful stewards of the world
- Display self-confidence, positive self esteem and an ability to care for self and others
- Promote beauty through participation in the fine arts
- Exhibit basic foundational knowledge
- Think critically and solve problems
- Actively seek answers
- Communicate effectively both orally and in writing
- Competently utilize modern technology
- Exhibit enthusiasm and joy
- Respect and honor cultural diversity
- Participate in Sacramental Celebration
- Establish a prayer life with a loving God
- Promote the richness of their Catholic Faith
- Embrace the Franciscan/Dominican spirituality