The focus of second grade religion is to prepare students for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion. They begin with a review of Baptism and prayers. Students then review the parts of the mass and the role of reconciliation and communion in their faith lives.
Reading /Language Arts
Students demonstrate phonetic skills by reading aloud, demonstrate knowledge of decoding skills, and demonstrate knowledge of prefixes and suffixes. They develop their reading skills by answering comprehension questions, identifying main idea and details, sequence events, predicting outcomes, and identifying parts of a story. They are also taught to identify fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and plays. Spelling is taught from grade appropriate list, and students develop and use new vocabulary words, demonstrate understanding of grammar by using and recognizing nouns, verbs, subjects, predicates, and contractions. They also compose complete sentences, use correct punctuation, capitalization at beginning of sentences and for proper nouns
Students will be able to count, read and write whole number to 1,000, count by 2s, 5s, and 10s from any given number forwards or backwards, identify odd and even, order numbers in greater than, less than, and equal, identify patterns and shapes, count money, tell time to 5 minutes, use units of measure on ruler, utilize data analysis, statistics and probability, reason and problem solve, regroup in addition and subtraction, learn multiplication facts for 0, 1, 2, 5, 10.
Students study physical science and learn that motion can be observed and measured. In life science they learn that plants and animals have predictable life cycles. In earth science, students learn that earth is made of materials that have distinct properties and provide resources for human activities. Second grade science is based on investigation and experimentation.
Social Studies
Students are expected to identify the basic rights of each person, recognize human rights issues, recycle materials, recognize families, communities, and cultures, describe history of our country as reflected in national holidays and celebrations, explain role and contributions of various individuals in history, identify elements and locations on maps, identify countries and locations on maps.
Drawing and painting, perspective, constructing, tear paper art, print-making, and construction.
The focus of second grade religion is to prepare students for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion. They begin with a review of Baptism and prayers. Students then review the parts of the mass and the role of reconciliation and communion in their faith lives.
Reading /Language Arts
Students demonstrate phonetic skills by reading aloud, demonstrate knowledge of decoding skills, and demonstrate knowledge of prefixes and suffixes. They develop their reading skills by answering comprehension questions, identifying main idea and details, sequence events, predicting outcomes, and identifying parts of a story. They are also taught to identify fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and plays. Spelling is taught from grade appropriate list, and students develop and use new vocabulary words, demonstrate understanding of grammar by using and recognizing nouns, verbs, subjects, predicates, and contractions. They also compose complete sentences, use correct punctuation, capitalization at beginning of sentences and for proper nouns
Students will be able to count, read and write whole number to 1,000, count by 2s, 5s, and 10s from any given number forwards or backwards, identify odd and even, order numbers in greater than, less than, and equal, identify patterns and shapes, count money, tell time to 5 minutes, use units of measure on ruler, utilize data analysis, statistics and probability, reason and problem solve, regroup in addition and subtraction, learn multiplication facts for 0, 1, 2, 5, 10.
Students study physical science and learn that motion can be observed and measured. In life science they learn that plants and animals have predictable life cycles. In earth science, students learn that earth is made of materials that have distinct properties and provide resources for human activities. Second grade science is based on investigation and experimentation.
Social Studies
Students are expected to identify the basic rights of each person, recognize human rights issues, recycle materials, recognize families, communities, and cultures, describe history of our country as reflected in national holidays and celebrations, explain role and contributions of various individuals in history, identify elements and locations on maps, identify countries and locations on maps.
Drawing and painting, perspective, constructing, tear paper art, print-making, and construction.